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StudySphere is a mobile application designed to help college students in New York City discover and utilize their ideal study spaces.

This was developed as part of a semester-long research project within a User Experience class at NYU, taught by Rebecca Blum. Our exploration and ideation were sparked by a compelling prompt: Your clients, a tech start-up looking to give back, in partnership with the city of New York, are looking for your help in improving the library experience.


UX Research

Prototyping & Testing


Jaden Mansfield

Hazel He

Noah Lee


12 Weeks

The Problem

How might we help students in New York City discover and utilize ideal study spaces equipped with the resources they need while also motivating them to actively engage in these study spaces?

The Solution

The Process

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We started this project from our own experiences. As students residing, studying, and working in New York City, we frequently encounter challenges in finding conducive work environments. It is often impossible to locate spaces with dependable Wi-Fi and accessible power outlets online.

By consolidating all available study spaces within the city onto a single platform, students can effortlessly discover an ideal workspace tailored to their preferences.

Project Timeline

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Initial Research - User Interviews

Key Takeaways:

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User Persona

Jack is a full-time student, majoring in Game Design in New York City. He moved to the city 2 years ago for college, and is still discovering new things about the city everyday. If he is not studying at home, he goes to his university’s library, because he knows they have comfortable chairs, reliable wifi, and outlets. Jack wants to try new places to study because he feels the most productive when he is around other people, but doesn't know where to go.

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Pain Points & Needs

Opportunities to Help Jack

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Initial Research - Immersive Research

Our team visited NYU's Bobst Library and The New York Public Library.

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Competitive Analysis

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  • Offers suggestions and reviews for new places to eat/experience/explore
  • Difficult to find real time data, specific information on resources
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  • Allows users to rank and save restaurants, coffee shops, and bars
  • Also lacks specific information on seating, wifi, outlets, ect.

Concept Testing

In this first iteration of our design, we were focused on both helping users find libraries and other study spaces as well as improving the booking process of study rooms within libraries.

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We received feedback on our initial ideas from 5 working designers.

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  • If we cannot control study room availability, where do people go?
  • What is the key interaction that keeps users coming back?
  • How could we encourage productivity and reliability?
  • How could we cater towards a wide range of study preferences?

The Product

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